Let’s become Boat Friends

Pikasea Boat Friends

What is "Pikasea Boat-Friends"?

Ahoy skippers! As you know, we’re always on the lookout for great ideas to help you out and set the stage for a truly fabulous sailing holiday.

If the name of our campaign doesn’t tell you much, we’ll tell you the story. Pikasea Boat Friends is a holiday dedicated to you, sailing enthusiasts and holders of magical sailing permits (skippers), who want to join a fleet of boats, or want to enjoy verified Pikasea experiences and simply want to have fun together. Moreover, the concept comes with many advantages, that will take away any uncertainties related to the route taken, moorings, marinas or the most beautiful experiences, to enjoy with your friends on the most beautiful holiday planned by you.

Pikasea, boat, friends,

Pikasea Boat Friends

What is included in the “Pikasea Boat-Friends” package?

Pikasea, boat, friends,
Pikasea, boat, friends,

Pikasea Boat Friends

" Pikasea Boat-Friends” package cost

Because our focus is always the house, booking the package until March 1st, 2024, guarantees you a 30% discount from the 500 Euro base cost. Yes, you got that right! If you join our fleets by March 2023, you can benefit from all these advantages for 350 Euro. After February 1, the full cost of the package is 500 Euro.

Pikasea Boat Friends

What are your obligations?

All you have to do is gather a bunch of friends you want to go on holiday with and book your place in the fleet.

You can opt for any of the two formats available in our programs:

  • Family-dedicated to families with children
  • Social – only available for adults – singles or couples

Our entire community is made of high-quality cool people, eager and open to enjoy the wonderful Pikasea experiences. Your boat can thus also enjoy maximum independence from the fleet’s program and the only obligation is that for the joint events you take part to, you respect the organizers’ recommendations and common-sense rules of conduct and good nautical practice.

Gather your group of friends and let's go on holiday!

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  • - tipul de ambarcațiune cu care te alături flotei -
  • Velier
  • Catamaran
- tipul de ambarcațiune cu care te alături flotei -
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If you have any questions about our boats or want to know more about our holiday packages, DM us on Facebook, or call us at +004 0743 673 253. We’ll be happy to reply as soon as possible.